Awana Canada
Updated T&T Mission: Grace in Action Essentials Handbook
Updated T&T Mission: Grace in Action Essentials Handbook

Updated T&T Mission: Grace in Action Essentials Handbook

Member Price: $12.45  <-- Not seeing this price? Find out why!
Non Member Price: $17.79

In Mission: Grace in Action, this year’s recommended study, kids learn about the character of God, information about the Bible and who Jesus is, and will understand more about grace.

This Essentials handbook now has a new cover with the same content inside, refreshed and repackaged to match the format of the other T&T Essentials books.

Essentials handbooks are abridged versions of the complete handbooks that make T&T accessible for visitors, outreach programs and more.

Congratulate your students with this T&T Grace in Action Essentials Certificate upon completion of the Essentials book!
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